The 16th Chongqing International Battery Technology Exchange Conference and Exhibition will be held on April 27-29.

Table of Contents

The 16th Chongqing International Battery Technology Exchange Conference and Exhibition will be held on April 27-29.


China Blue Sky is fully charged and invites you to join us at CIBF 2024. China Blue Sky brings electrolytes, PVDF series products, and new technologies to meet new energy and new momentum with you.

Address: Booth T167, Hall N4, Chongqing International Expo Center, No. 66 Yuelai Avenue, Yubei District, Chongqing.

Enter through Gate 10 and you will see the China Blue Sky booth straight ahead.

The 16th Chongqing International Battery Technology Exchange Conference and Exhibition will be held on April 27-29.

01-- Industrial Layout, Deep Insight

China Blue Sky has been deeply involved in fluorine chemical industry for more than 70 years, with a deep layout in the lithium battery materials industry. Production bases for electrolytes, lithium hexafluorophosphate, additives, and PVDF are established in Zhejiang, Hubei, Hunan, Shaanxi, Sichuan, and other areas, with core raw materials self-sufficient. The 200,000-ton electrolyte project (Phase I) in Sichuan, established by China Blue Sky, is about to be put into operation. Stay tuned!

02-- Leading Research, Passionate Pursuit

The lithium battery research platform of China Blue Sky has gathered superior resources, establishing electrolyte research platform and PVDF research platform with remarkable achievements. The electrolyte research platform has formed a complete set of R&D technology system, including additive invention and development, raw material synthesis process development, R&D analysis, high-performance electrolyte formulation development, electrolyte application research, and technical support. With a focus on the invention and development of high-performance electrolyte additives and the improvement of raw material quality and cost reduction. The PVDF research platform covers comprehensive research results in the fields of LFP, NCM, and separators in lithium battery applications, with independent intellectual property rights and "internationally leading" technical certification. Continuously ensuring stable quality through high automation, breakthrough in tri-system copolymerization technology, and continuous improvement in metal tube control level. Keeping up with trends, creating high-purity new materials, and accelerating the launch of non-PFAS lithium battery products.

03-- Advanced Manufacturing

Persistence Efficient manufacturing: intelligent and efficient electrolyte factory. Reliable quality: full-process quality control. Adhering to customer focus, implementing quality leadership strategy, conducting "whole life cycle" and "whole value chain" quality management of products, providing customers with high-quality products and services, achieving customer satisfaction, and striving to exceed customer expectations. Integrated management system

04-- High-Quality Products, Strength Revealed

The product system includes secondary and primary electrolytes covering multiple material systems and applications. The product system includes: lithium iron phosphate electrolyte, lithium cobaltate electrolyte, ternary material electrolyte, special product series, and secondary electrolyte.


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