China National Chemical Corporation (ChemChina) has been deeply involved in the fluorine industry for over 70 years, with products applied in refrigeration, safety, electronics, construction, medicine, pesticides, new energy, environmental protection, and other fields, making it "omnipresent and omnipotent."

Get on board first! Meet "Fluorine"
1. In the summer, cool driving relies on it On a hot summer day, the first thing you think about when getting in the car is turning on the air conditioning!

The moment you turn on the air conditioning, the refrigerant, known as the "blood" of the air conditioning system, starts serving you – it absorbs heat through vaporization, lowering the temperature inside the car. In the field of refrigerants, ChemChina's subsidiary, BlueStar (Beijing) Chemical Machinery Co., Ltd., is a strong player with a full range of refrigerant products in various specifications. BlueStar's Zhejiang Research Institute started focusing on the development of ozone-depleting substance (ODS) alternatives in the 1980s, with multiple refrigerant projects included in national, ministerial, and provincial research plans. In the 1990s, Amp New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.'s HFC-134a (tetrafluoroethane) project was listed as a key scientific and technological project in the national "Eighth Five-Year Plan," filling a technological gap in China. Currently, most of the refrigerants used in cars on the market are HFC-134a. Additionally, Amp New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is also the drafting unit for the Chinese national standard for HFC-134a. Amp New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.'s nearly ten varieties are popular in both domestic and global markets, with the "Jinleng®" automotive air conditioning refrigerant holding a leading position in the market. In the field of new energy vehicles, BlueStar is researching DL series refrigerants and YL series electronic fluorine liquids for use in the thermal management system of new energy vehicles, achieving constant temperature control for the car cabin and batteries.